本命年不能自己买红色 有哪些讲究

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本命年不能自己买红色 有哪些讲究






People often follow certain rules to spend their own natal year. In Chinese traditional culture, a natal year is considered inauspicious, and people usually try to avoid putting themselves in an unfavorable position. Therefore, it is not allowed for one to buy red things in their own natal year, as doing so would bring them into an unfavorable position. So why can't one buy red things in their own natal year?

Generally speaking, the inauspicious factors in a natal year are attributed to the influence of the four directions. "Sifang" is a word used in ancient China to refer to the four cardinal directions, while "sifangzhiqu" refers to the inauspicious qi coming from the four directions. It is believed that buying red things in one's own natal year would bring them into an unfavorable position, so avoiding doing so is necessary.

In addition, people also believe that everything in life is orderly and there should be no behaviors that disrupt the order. Therefore, buying red things in one's own natal year is also against this rule. Disrupting the order would bring them into an unfavorable position, so avoiding doing so is necessary.

Moreover, in Chinese traditional culture, red represents the power to kill, so people believe that buying red things in their own natal year would bring them into an unfavorable position. Therefore, avoiding doing so is necessary.

In conclusion, following these rules to spend one's own natal year is necessary, as doing so can avoid putting oneself in an unfavorable position. Therefore, one cannot buy red things in their own natal year.
