2020年立秋时间几点几分 2020年立秋是哪一天

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2020年立秋时间几点几分 2020年立秋是哪一天

立秋时间是每年农历8月23日或24日。 立秋前后的几天,是一个清新的时刻,正是人们喜欢户外活动和旅游的好时机,特别是在九九重阳节和中秋节到来之前。人们可以根据自己的喜好和时间安排,选择一个适合自己的旅行线路。



吃粽子的习俗始于春秋战国时期,原本只是吃稻谷的时候的一种丰收祈祷。粽子中除了最常见的肉粽,还有用红枣、莲子、豆沙做的素粽,口味各异。 立秋茶主要是以生茶叶为原料,加入红豆、桂花、当归、酸枣等材料制成。茶的颜色深红,茶汤香味浓郁。喝茶不仅能够提神醒脑,还有利于健康。

除了食物和饮品,立秋还有很多其他的传统习俗。比如说,《论语》中有“不喜不嫌,唯有立秋 一日,更喜山中”的关于立秋的名言,描绘出了立秋时美好的自然风光。此外,立秋还是一个重要的农历节日,人们会在这天举行各种活动,庆祝丰收。



The time of Autumn Equinox is on 23rd or 24th August in lunar calendar every year. Several days before or after the Autumn Equinox is a refreshing moment which is also a good time for people to engage in outdoor activities and travel, especially before the Double Ninth Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival. People can choose a suitable travel route according to their preferences and time schedule.

The weather turns cool gradually in the season of Autumn Equinox, which is the best season for traveling. In this season, in addition to touring around to enjoy the scenery, people can also enjoy outdoor activities. Sports like biking, running and walking are the experiences that you cannot miss.

You can appreciate the scenery of Autumn Equinox in the city or in the countryside. At the time of Autumn Equinox, people will also cook some special food. The customs of the festival mainly include eating Autumn Equinox Zongzi and drinking Autumn Equinox Tea, which are the traditional Chinese culture of harvest festival.

The custom of eating Zongzi started in the period of Spring and Autumn and Warring States, which was originally a prayer of harvest only when eating rice. In addition to the most common meat Zongzi, there are also vegetarian Zongzi made of red dates, lotus seeds, bean paste, etc. with different tastes. The Autumn Equinox Tea is mainly made of green tea leaves, with materials such as red beans, osmanthus, Chinese angelica, jujube, etc. The color of the tea is dark red, and the tea soup is rich in flavor. Drinking tea can not only refresh and sober up, but also be good for health.

In addition to food and drinks, there are also many other traditional customs in Autumn Equinox. For example, there is a famous saying about Autumn Equinox in "The Analects of Confucius": "I don't like it or dislike it. Only on the day of Autumn Equinox, I prefer to be in the mountains", which describes the beautiful natural scenery at that time. In addition, Autumn Equinox is also an important traditional Chinese festival. People will hold various activities to celebrate the harvest on that day.

The time of 2020 Autumn Equinox is on 22th August, which is Saturday. So, if you want to do some outdoor activities on this festival, it is recommended to make a plan in advance.

In a word, Autumn Equinox is a traditional Chinese festival, as well as a "Harvest Festival". In this festival, people can not only taste traditional food, but also enjoy the scenery of nature.
