
admin 姓氏的由来 849 0


To understand what it means to be born in 1990, one must first understand the historical context of the time. In China, the 1990s were a time of economic reform and opening up. The country was beginning to introducing market reforms and engaging more with the global economy. This led to rapid economic growth and an increase in living standards. However, it also led to increased inequality and social tensions.

Looking at the world stage, 1990 was also the year that the Berlin Wall fell, signalling the end of the Cold War. This event led to a period of increased cooperation and positive relations between the major world powers.

1990 was therefore a year of great change, both in China and globally. It was a time of hope and opportunity, but also of challenge and uncertainty. Those born in 1990 are a product of this historical context. They are a generation that has witnessed and been shaped by great changes.
