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The Three Capacities Configuration indicates the configuration of three kinds of ability (namely,physical ability, chemical ability and biological ability) in one person, which can determine a person's destiny. The good and bad table is used to judge whether a person is lucky or not according to the different Three Capacities Configuration. There are three criteria for judging the good and bad of Three Capacities Configuration: first, judging by the size of Three Capacities Configuration; second, judging by the combination of Three Capacities Configuration; third, judging by the position of Three Capacities Configuration.

According to the size of Three Capacities Configuration,physical ability is greater than chemical ability is greater than biological ability, which is lucky.physical ability is greater than biological ability is greater than chemical ability, which is unlucky. Judging by the combination of Three Capacities Configuration, three talents are strong at the same time, three talents are weak at the same time, and three talents have little difference in ability, which is a moderate state. According to the position of Three Capacities Configuration, three talents are in the positive position, three talents are in the vice position, and three talents have little difference in ability, which is a moderate state.
