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Feng Guanhua name test score

Name score, also known as name scoring, name scoring, name classification, name classification, refers to the classification of personal names according to classical tradition, and give a certain score. Generally speaking, the classification and scoring of names are based on the use of names in classical poems, for example, "Yan" refers to the appearance, is a joyous word, so the name containing "Yan" people will usually get a higher score; on the contrary, "Feng" is because the poet's "Jiang Xue" in the "Feng Jun home" poem, and The name is considered to be of ill omen, so the name containing "Feng" will get a lower score.

When doing the name score, first of all, you need to understand the personal information such as the date of birth, gender, number of words, etc., and then you can do the accurate classification and scoring. The word "Feng" in Feng Guanhua's name is inauspicious, so the score is low, but if it is a girl, because the word "Feng" is a name with a feminine temperament in traditional culture, the score will be higher.

Generally speaking, Feng Guanhua's name score is not very high, but if it is a girl, the score will be higher.
