新坟前三年不送寒衣 岁终而祭始于周代

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新坟前三年不送寒衣 岁终而祭始于周代





Starting from the Zhou Dynasty, the handling of corpses and the related customs of the dead have undergone some changes. One of them is "no sending of cold clothes in the first three years after the new tomb, and the end of the year begins with the Zhou Dynasty". The old practice was to bring cold clothes to the deceased in the first three years after the new tomb was built, which was prohibited in the Zhou Dynasty. Instead, at the end of the year, family members went to worship the tomb of the deceased, thus beginning the custom of "end of the year and sacrifice".

"End of the year and sacrifice" originated in the Zhou Dynasty, when the practice of "October sacrificial" was practiced. It was not until the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period that the custom gradually began to evolve into the "end of the year and sacrifice" that we are familiar with today. With the passage of time, the custom of "end of the year and sacrifice" has also gradually evolved into the form we are familiar with today.

First of all, the time of "end of the year and sacrifice" has been advanced from the time of "October sacrificial" to the ninth month of the lunar calendar. Secondly, at the same time, the content of "end of the year and sacrifice" has also developed from the original "sacrificial offerings" to "worship of ancestors". Sacrificial offerings include rice wine, spices, meat products, etc.; worship includes burning paper, providing oil, tea, etc.

Nowadays, the custom of "end of the year and sacrifice" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the Chinese people, and has become an important traditional custom of the Chinese people. With the passage of time, the custom of "end of the year and sacrifice" has also been continuously developed and expanded, and gradually evolved into the form we are familiar with today.
