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"Christmas" means "Christ's Mass", and refers to the huge feast commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. "Christmas food" should therefore include anything eaten at or around this time of year.

In the Christian tradition, the twelve days of Christmas (December 25th to January 5th) were originally a period of fasting, when people ate no meat or dairy products. This was because many people could not afford to keep animals over the winter, so they would slaughter them in November and December. This meat would then be eaten during the twelve days of Christmas.

Nowadays, people eat a lot more than just meat during Christmas. Here are some of the most popular Christmas foods in China:

1) 圣诞饼 - Christmas Cake

Christmas cake is a rich fruit cake, often iced and decoration with edible sweets. It is eaten throughout China, and often given as a gift.

2) 圣诞糖果 - Christmas Candy

Christmas candy is often given to children, and can be found in many shapes and sizes. Common flavors include chocolate, caramel, and fruit.

3) 圣诞果仁 - Christmas Nuts

Nuts are a popular Christmas food, and are often given as gifts. Common varieties include almonds, hazelnuts, and pistachios.

4) 圣诞菜单 - Christmas Dinner

Christmas dinner is a special meal, usually eaten with family and friends. It typically includes a roast turkey or chicken, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie.

5) 圣诞老人糖果 - Santa's Candy

Santa's candy is a popular Christmas treat, especially for children. It is often given in the form of small wrapped sweets, or as a candy cane.
