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In China, there are many different wedding customs from region to region. Today, we're going to take a look at the wedding customs of Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province.

Wenzhou is located in southeastern China, and has a long history of more than 2,000 years. The local people are known for being thrifty and hardworking. Therefore, it's not surprising that the wedding customs in Wenzhou are very simple.

The most important thing for a Wenzhou wedding is the "brideprice". In ancient times, the brideprice was paid by the groom's family to the bride's family as a way to show their respect and gratitude. Today, the brideprice is still an important part of the wedding, but it is paid by the groom to the bride's family.

The brideprice is usually paid in cash, but in recent years, more and more families have begun to accept gifts instead. The brideprice is generally negotiated between the two families, and the amount is based on the groom's family's financial situation.

After the brideprice is paid, the groom's family will send a "wedding invitation" to the bride's family. The wedding invitation is a formal notice of the wedding date and time, and it is also a way for the groom's family to show their respect to the bride's family.

On the day of the wedding, the groom's family will go to the bride's house to pick her up. The groom will usually wear a traditional Chinese wedding dress, and the bride will wear a red dress.

After the bride is picked up, the wedding procession will head to the groom's house. On the way, the wedding procession will be accompanied by music and firecrackers.

When the wedding procession arrives at the groom's house, the groom's parents will welcome the bride and her parents. The bride and groom will then offer tea to their parents and elders as a sign of respect.

After the tea ceremony, the bride and groom will enter the wedding hall. The wedding hall is usually decorated with red lanterns and banners. In the center of the hall, there is a table with two chairs. This is where the bride and groom will sit during the wedding ceremony.

The wedding ceremony usually lasts for about an hour. During the ceremony, the bride and groom will exchange wedding rings and vows. After the ceremony, the bride and groom will share a toast with their guests.

After the wedding ceremony, the guests will congratulate the newlyweds and give them gifts. The most common gifts are cash, jewelry, and household items.

After the wedding ceremony, the guests will enjoy a wedding banquet. The wedding banquet is usually held at a hotel or restaurant. The menu usually includes traditional Chinese dishes such as roasted duck, whole fish, and noodles.

After the banquet, the newlyweds will usually go on a honeymoon. The most popular honeymoon destinations for Wenzhou couples are Hainan Island and Sanya.
