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heavy snow means different things to different people. In some parts of the country, a few inches of snowfall can result in a full-blown snow day, while in others, a few feet of snow is simply a minor inconvenience. No matter where you fall on the spectrum, one thing is for sure – when it snows, you need to be prepared.

For many, that means stocking up on comfort food. From hearty soups to warm desserts, there are a variety of traditional snow day foods that will help you get through the day – and the cold.

一大雪就意味着不同的事情,对于不同的人来说。在该国的一些地方,下几英寸的雪会导致全面的雪天,而在其他地方,几英尺的雪只是一个小小的不便。无论你在范围内处于哪个位置,一件事是肯定的 – 当下雪时,你需要做好准备。

对于许多人来说,这意味着储存温暖的食物。从丰盛的汤类到温暖的甜点,有各种传统的雪天食物可以帮助你度过一天 – 和寒冷的日子。

One of the most popular snow day foods is soup. After all, there’s nothing better on a cold day than a steaming bowl of soup to warm you up from the inside out. While there are endless soup recipes to choose from, some of the most popular include chicken noodle, tomato, and chili.

Another comfort food that is perfect for a snow day is macaroni and cheese. This classic dish is creamy, cheesy, and oh-so comforting. It’s also easy to make, which is always a bonus when you’re stuck inside all day.



Another snow day favorite is comfort food is grilled cheese sandwiches. These simple sandwiches are made by grilling bread and cheese together, and they’re the perfect snack or light meal. Serve them with a bowl of soup or a side of fruit for a complete meal.

If you’re looking for something a little sweeter, consider making a batch of homemade cookies. Chocolate chip cookies are always a hit, but you can also experiment with different flavors like peanut butter, oatmeal, or even gingerbread.



No matter what your snow day plans are, be sure to have some comfort food on hand to keep you warm and toasty all day long. From soup to grilled cheese, there are a variety of snow day foods that will help you make it through the day – and the cold.

无论你的雪天计划是什么,都要确保有一些舒适的食物,让你整天感到温暖舒适。从汤类到烤奶酪三明治,有各种各样的雪天食物可以帮助你度过一天 – 和寒冷的日子。
