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The Book of Changes, or Yi Jing, is one of the oldest Chinese classics. It is a book of divination that is based on the ancient I Ching, or "Book of Changes". The I Ching is a book of oracles that was used in ancient China to predict the future. The Yi Jing is a more recent book that was written in the 4th century BC. It is a more philosophical work that includes commentary on the I Ching.

The Yi Jing is divided into two parts: the Huangdi Neijing, or "Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic", and the decision-making section. The Huangdi Neijing is a medical text that includes information on acupuncture and other traditional Chinese medical practices. The decision-making section is the more famous part of the Yi Jing. It is here that the64 hexagrams, or symbol sequences, that are used in divination are described.

Each hexagram is made up of six lines, each of which can be either yin or yang. Yin is the feminine principle, while yang is the masculine principle. The 64 hexagrams represent all of the possible combinations of yin and yang.

The Yi Jing can be used to answer simple yes or no questions. The querent, or person asking the question, first consults the hexagrams to find the one that best represents their current situation. They then combine this hexagram with another one that represents the future situation that they are interested in.

The Yi Jing can also be used to give more detailed advice. The querent can consult the hexagrams to find out what factors are influencing their current situation. They can then use this information to make better decisions about their future.

The Yi Jing is an important book in Chinese culture. It is still used today by many people who practice divination.
