奥斯卡奖改规则 第92届奥斯卡奖有哪些变化

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奥斯卡奖改规则 第92届奥斯卡奖有哪些变化



The 92th Academy Awards have changed some rules to be more fair and just. First of all, in terms of movie categories, the original 5 awards have been deleted, leaving only the Best Picture Award. Secondly, in order to better commend non-English movies, the Foreign Language Film Jury has changed from 5 members to 9 members, and a new nomination system has been set up, so that non-English films can compete more effectively for the Academy Award. In addition, the original "Best Music" and "Best Song" awards have been integrated into the "Best Original Song" award. In order to allow the audience to better understand the changes of the Academy Award, a special explanation meeting has been set up.
