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1986 was a special year. It was the year of the Fire Tiger, and many things happened around the world. In China, it was the Year of the Horse, and it was also the year that Deng Xiaoping came to power.

In 1986, the Chinese government decided to reform the calendar. They replaced the old lunar calendar with a new solar calendar, and they also changed the way the days of the week were numbered. The old calendar had the days of the week numbered from 1 to 7, but the new calendar had them numbered from 0 to 6.

On January 1st, 1986, the first day of the new calendar, China became a member of the United Nations. This was a big event, because China had not been a member of the UN since 1971.

In 1986, there were also some big changes in the way the Chinese government worked. For example, the government began to allow private businesses to operate in China. This was a big change, because before this, only state-owned businesses were allowed to operate in China.

The year 1986 was also a special year for the Chinese economy. In 1986, China's GDP grew by 9.9%, which was the highest growth rate ever recorded in China.

All in all, 1986 was a very special year for China. It was a year of great change, and it was a year that will be remembered for a long time.
