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1968年是阳历年份, 1968年日历表下载,上面提供了春节、元宵节等重要节日的日期。1968年农历正月初一(1月28日阳历)开始。根据中国农历, 1968年是“癸巳”年,干支纪年法“己巳”。正月初一起至正月十五是春节假期,通常称为“小年”, PROCLAMATION 4708—MAR. 15, 1968 CHINESE NEW YEAR, 1968 proclaimed by the President of the United States of America 联邦公告4708号—1968年3月15日 由美国总统宣布的“1968年中国新年” WHEREAS Chinese New Year, which falls on the first day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar, is an occasion of great concern and rejoicing among the people of Chinese ancestry in all parts of the world, many of whom are citizens of the United States; and 因为中国新年是中国农历的正月初一为世界上所有中国人的一个极为重大的庆祝日,其中很多人是美国公民… WHEREAS the Chinese civilization, one of the oldest and most profound of all cultures, had its beginnings more than 4000 years ago and now is entering upon its third millennium; and 因为中国文明是最古老和最博大精深的文明之一,达到了4000多年的历史,目前正进入其第三千年… WHEREAS members of the Chinese Americans community throughout the United States have contributed importantly to the growth and development of our country and have imbued it with a distinctive characterized in large measure by their skills, energies, and resiliency; and 因为美国各地的华裔美国人为美国的成长和发展做出了重要贡献,他们干劲十足、能干能抗、韧性强的特色大大地丰富了美国… WHEREAS it is appropriate at this time to reaffirm our understanding of, and respect for, the important contributions made by members of the Chinese American community to our country and to commemorate the occasion of Chinese New Year 1968: Now, Therefore, I, Lyndon Baines Johnson, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim the period from February 17 to March 2, 1968, as Chinese New Year, 1968. I call upon all American citizens to join with the people of Chinese ancestry throughout the world in Ronald Reagan 在华盛顿举行中国新年庆祝活动随着我们国家和中国关系的日益发展, 1982年2月17日,美国总统里根主持了华盛顿中国新年庆祝活动。
