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What is the Libra constellation?

The Libra constellation originates from Greek mythology. The Libra constellation is said to be the constellation of the goddess Aphrodite on the daughter of the Greek god Apollo, Aphrodite. The Libra constellation is designated as the "δ" constellation, and in the night sky of the Northern Hemisphere, the Libra constellation appears between September 23 and October 23.

The Libra constellation represents the concepts of Libra, balance, balance, which come from Greek mythology. For example, the name of the Libra constellation, Aphrodite, comes from the daughter of the ancient Greek doctor Apollo. In Greek mythology, the Libra constellation is used to measure the balance of people's lives. This constellation also represents the importance of Libra to human life.

The Libra constellation is dominated by the Libra Star, which is one of the brightest stars and can be easily seen from Earth. The Libra constellation is dominated by the Libra Star, which is the largest, brightest and most active star in the solar system, and its luminosity is a million times that of the sun. The Libra constellation is dominated by the Libra Star, which is located near the center of the Milky Way and is a huge red giant.

The Libra constellation pattern is the two ends of a balance beam, with a star at the top and another at the bottom. The Libra constellation is a constellation with a width of about 3° centered on the Libra constellation. The Libra constellation is the brightest star in the Northern Hemisphere night sky and can be easily seen in the clear night sky.

The Libra constellation is dominated by the Libra Star, which is the largest, brightest and most active star in the solar system, and its luminosity is a million times that of the sun. The Libra constellation is dominated by the Libra Star, which is located near the center of the Milky Way and is a huge red giant. The Libra constellation is dominated by the Libra Star, which is about 70 million light-years away from Earth and is one of the brightest
