眼花缭乱是什么生肖 眼花缭乱打一生肖

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眼花缭乱是什么生肖 眼花缭乱打一生肖

## Introduction

var Collections = require('../../../v1-biz/dictionary/dictionary');

var getZodiacSign = function(input) { //输入是年份

var _year = input.year;

var zodiac = ['鼠','牛','虎','兔','龙','蛇','马','羊','猴','鸡','狗','猪'];

return zodiac[_year % 12];



There are many different colors in the world. Each color has its own meaning and feeling. People often associate colors with their own personal experiences. For example, the color red might make someone feel happy because it is the color of their favorite sports team's jersey. Or, the color black might make someone feel sad because it is the color of mourning in many cultures.

The Chinese zodiac is based on a twelve-year cycle, with each year represented by an animal. The zodiac sign of a person's birth year is said to influence their personality and future.


There are twelve zodiac signs, each representing a different year. The zodiac sign of a person's birth year is said to influence their personality and future.

The twelve zodiac signs are:

- 鼠 (Rat)

- 牛 (Ox)

- 虎 (Tiger)

- 兔 (Rabbit)

- 龙 (Dragon)

- 蛇 (Snake)

- 马 (Horse)

- 羊 (Sheep)

- 猴 (Monkey)

- 鸡 (Rooster)

- 狗 (Dog)

- 猪 (Pig)


The color yellow is associated with the element of earth. It is a warm color that is often used to represent happiness and sunshine. In the Chinese zodiac, the color yellow is associated with the years of the rat, ox, and tiger.


The color green is associated with the element of wood. It is a cool color that is often used to represent growth and life. In the Chinese zodiac, the color green is associated with the years of the rabbit, dragon, and snake.


The color blue is associated with the element of water. It is a cool color that is often used to represent calmness and serenity. In the Chinese zodiac, the color blue is associated with the years of the horse, sheep, and monkey.

## RED

The color red is associated with the element of fire. It is a warm color that is often used to represent excitement and energy. In the Chinese zodiac, the color red is associated with the years of the dog, pig, and rat.
