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徐若瑄英文名包括英文名字“Joanne”和拼音“Xu Ruoxuan”。徐若瑄于1982年3月19日出生于台湾新北市,是一位台湾女演员兼歌手。



徐若瑄的英文名Joanne,来源于其祖父母的英文名,而拼音“Xu Ruoxuan”则来源于其母亲的姓氏许和自己的名字若瑄。徐若瑄英文名的由来,体现了其为人随和、温柔的性格。



徐若瑄英文名虽然简短,但却包含了许多的含义。在徐若瑄的英文名字“Joanne”中,“Jo”是英文名“Joan”的昵称,意为“上帝是怜悯的”;“Joanne”则是“Joan”的女子版本,意为“上帝是怜悯的女人”。而“Xu Ruoxuan”则来源于许氏,意为“自由”和“平等”。


Xu Ruoxuan's English name includes the English name "Joanne" and the pinyin "Xu Ruoxuan". Xu Ruoxuan was born in New Taipei City, Taiwan on March 19, 1982. She is a Taiwanese actress and singer.

Xu Ruoxuan's acting career began in 1997 with the TV series "Boys and Girls of Fashionable Youth", followed by the starring of "Meteor Garden", "Witch's Castle" and "Bubble Summer". For Xu Ruoxuan, her acting career is a journey, through which she constantly comes into contact with new people and things, and constantly develops herself.

Xu Ruoxuan served as the best actress of Taiwan's "Golden Horse Award" in 2008 and was nominated for the best actress of the "Taiwan Golden Horse Award" for the film "Qingmei Zhushe" in 2009. In addition, Xu Ruoxuan has also been nominated for the best actress of the Cannes Film Festival in France, and has been nominated for the best actress of the "Taiwan Golden Horse Award" for the film "Summer Band".

Xu Ruoxuan's English name Joanne comes from the English name of her grandparents, while the pinyin "Xu Ruoxuan" comes from her mother's surname Xu and her own name Ruoxuan. The origin of Xu Ruoxuan's English name reflects her easy-going and gentle personality.

In Xu Ruoxuan's film works, there are many images of young girls, such as Xiao Xue in "Bubble Summer", Lin Qingxia in "Qingmei Zhushe", Anna in "Summer Band", Marina in "Witch's Castle" and so on. These images of characters have won Xu Ruoxuan the love of many fans.

As an actor, Xu Ruoxuan has rich acting experience and can well shape the image of the character, so that the audience can well understand the inner world of the character. In addition, as a singer, Xu Ruoxuan has excellent singing skills and has sang many theme songs and insert songs of popular TV dramas.

Although Xu Ruoxuan's English name is short, it contains many meanings. In Xu Ruoxuan's English name "Joanne", "Jo" is the nickname of the English name "Joan", meaning "God is merciful"; "Joanne" is the female version of "Joan", meaning "God is a merciful woman
