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Christians throughout the centuries have observed thecustoms of Christian funerals with great respect and reverence. 几个世纪以来,基督徒对基督教葬礼的传统都表示出极大的尊重和敬畏。

Thebasic outline of a Christian funeral service has remained the same since the earliest days of the Church. 基督教葬礼的基本框架自教会最早的日子以来就一直没有变化。

However, there are many customs and traditions that have arisen over the centuries that are unique to certain cultures and denominations. 然而,几个世纪以来,特定的文化和教派已经产生了许多独特的习俗和传统。

One of the most important aspects of a Christian funeral is the music that is played and sung during the service. 基督教葬礼中最重要的方面之一是在葬礼服务期间演奏和演唱的音乐。

The music chosen should be joyful and uplifting, so that it can help to comfort the grieving family and friends. 选择的音乐应该是快乐和令人振奋的,这样可以帮助安慰悲痛的家人和朋友。

Some of the most popular hymns that are sung at Christian funerals include "Amazing Grace," "Be Not Afraid," "In the Bulb There Is a Flower," "Jerusalem," and "The Old Rugged Cross." 在基督教葬礼上常常唱的一些最受欢迎的赞美诗包括“伟大的恩典”,“不要害怕”,“鲜花灯下”,“耶路撒冷”和“老粗糙的十字架”。

Another important part of the Christian funeral service is the eulogy. 另一个重要的部分是基督教葬礼悼词。

The eulogy is a short speech that is given in order to honor the memory of the deceased. 悼词是一种短小的演讲,目的是为了纪念已故的人。

It is usually given by a close friend or family member, and it is a time to reflect on the life of the person who has died. 通常是由亲密的朋友或家庭成员发表,这是一个反思已故人生的时间。
