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1.创世佛牌:这是泰国佛教徒最喜爱的佛牌类型。创世佛牌上一般会刻有导师佛陀或其他重要佛教人物的名字。 operate in a sequence, they have fascinating roles and purposes for the wearer or user. The wearer can use them for many things such as: a) Worship – Some people use amulets as an object of worship. An example of this is the “Phra Ruang” which is an amnesty amulet of King Rama V. It is one of the most well-known amulets in Thailand and is currently on display in the National Museum in Bangkok. Many Thais believe that this amulet has the power to grant clemency and those who wear it are thought to be safe from danger and harm. b) Protection – Amulets are also thought to provide protection from harm. For example, “Phra Rod” amulets are commonly worn by Thai soldiers as they go into battle. It is believed that these amulets will help to keep them safe from enemy bullets. c) Healing – Another popular use for amulets is for healing purposes. There are many different amulets that are thought to have healing properties. One example is the “Phra Maha Mongkol” amulet which is thought to be able to cure diseases. d) Good Luck – Many people also wear amulets for good luck. It is believed that amulets can help to bring good fortune and luck to the wearer. One of the most popular amulets for good luck is the “Phra Pidta” amulet.

