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十二生肖追随着中国古代历史的演进而走红,是中国古代文化中的一个重要组成部分。 // ancient Chinese culture has a long tradition of following the twelve Zodiac signs, which are an important part of ancient Chinese culture.

十二生肖守护神既有玄幻的神话传说, // There are mythical and magical stories about the twelve Zodiac guardians, 也有具体的历史人物。 // as well as specific historical figures.

根据史料记载, // According to historical records, 它们最早起源于中国古代的天文学, // They originated in ancient Chinese astronomy, 由于人们认为太阳、月亮和星星是与特定的动物相关联的。 // because people believed that the sun, moon and stars were associated with specific animals.

随着时间的推移, // over time, 十二生肖的形象逐渐演变为更加人性化的形象, // The images of the twelve Zodiac signs gradually evolved into more humanized images, 开始被认为是人类的守护神。 // and began to be seen as guardians of humanity.

在中国的民间传说中, // In Chinese folklore, 十二生肖守护神被认为能够帮助人们驱邪、祈福, // the twelve Zodiac guardians are believed to be able to help people ward off evil and pray for blessings, 并且在人们需要的时候会出现来帮助他们。 // and will appear to help them when they need it.

关于十二生肖守护神的神话传说有很多, // There are many myths and legends about the twelve Zodiac guardians, 每一个都有其独特的故事情节。 // each with its own unique story.

例如, // For example, 在传说中, // in legend, 狮子守护神是太阳神的化身, // the Lion guardian is the incarnation of the sun god, 能够为人们带来正能量和温暖。 // and can bring people positive energy and warmth.

而龙守护神则是一种具有神秘力量的生物, // The Dragon guardian is a mythical creature with mysterious powers, 能够帮助人们实现梦想, // and can help people achieve their dreams, 并且保护他们免受邪恶的侵害。 // and protect them from evil.

十二生肖守护神各有其独特的力量和特质, // Each of the twelve Zodiac guardians has its own unique power and characteristics, 人们可以根据自己的喜好来选择一个守护神, // and people can choose a guardian according to their own preferences, 希望能得到守护神的保护和帮助。 // in the hope of receiving the protection and help of the guardian.
