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We have all heard about face reading, but what does it take to be a face reader? A face reader looks at a person's face and interprets their character and destiny.

There are many facial features that can be interpreted, such as the shape of the forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, chin and jawline. Each facial feature has a different meaning, and a skilled face reader can tell a lot about a person just by looking at their face.

For example, a person with a high forehead is said to be intelligent, while a person with a wide jawline is said to be strong-willed.

Face reading is not an exact science, and there is room for interpretation. However, it can be a useful tool for understanding people, and it can be fun to do.

Here are some tips for face reading:

1. Look at the overall shape of the face.

2. Notice the proportions of the different facial features.

3. Look at the eyes, as they are said to be the windows to the soul.

4. Observe the person's expression.

5. Pay attention to the person's body language.

6. Try to read the person's character and destiny.
