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虎属相是最悠久的传统属相之一,可以追溯到公元前26世纪。古代人们相信,虎是上天赐予人类 rendering of many so-called "natural disasters". Therefore, people born in the Year of the Tiger are considered to be highly intelligent, courageous and confident.

This doesn't mean that people born in the Year of the Tiger don't have their share of challenges and obstacles. In fact, they are often confronted with more than their fair share of difficulties. But they are usually able to overcome them with the help of their courage and determination.

The Year of the Tiger is considered to be a lucky year for business, so people born in this year are often very successful in their careers. They are also very popular and well-liked by others.

However, the Year of the Tiger can also be a very dangerous year. There is a saying in China that "Tigers kill more people than any other animal". This is because the Year of the Tiger is considered to be an unlucky year for marriage and childbearing. So couples who are planning to get married or have children are advised to be very careful.

Overall, the Year of the Tiger is considered to be a good year. People born in this year are usually very happy and prosperous.


