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The 28 constellations and our destiny are inseparable. They affect people's destiny. So how to detailedly analyze the auspicious and inauspicious of the 28 constellations? Let's get to know it together!

[The Bridge]

The Bridge constellation represents the harmony and happiness of the family. If the destiny of a family is not good, there will be family disputes, unstable marriage and other problems. Therefore, family happiness and constellation are inseparable.

[The Big Dipper]

The Big Dipper represents the mother of all things and is the symbol of women. So for women, the Big Dipper is a good star. It can bring happiness to women and also bring happiness to the family.

[The Wheel of Destiny]

The Wheel of Destiny represents the ups and downs of people's destiny. So for people, it is an evil star. It will bring people's difficulties and disasters. Therefore, people should beware of its power.

[The Heavenly Court]

The Heavenly Court represents the heaven of people, which is a good star. It will bring people's luck and success. Therefore, people should respect it.

[The Sun]

The sun represents the power of the sun and is a good star. It can bring people's happiness and also illuminate people's future.

[The Pearl]

The Pearl represents the knowledge of human beings and is a good star. It can bring happiness to people and also illuminate their future.

[The Money]

The Money represents the wealth of people and is a good star. It can bring people's wealth and also make people more happy.

[The Crystal Ball]

The Crystal Ball represents the wisdom of people and is a good star. It can bring people's wisdom and also make people more happy.

[The Diamond]

The Diamond represents the noble status of people and is a good star. It can bring people's noble status and also make people more happy.

[The Sun]

The sun represents the power of human beings and is a good star. It can bring people's power and also make people more happy.
