冬至吃狗肉典故 说法 风俗

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冬至吃狗肉典故 说法 风俗

The custom of eating dog meat on the Winter Solstice dates back to ancient times. The reason for this is because the Winter Solstice is a time when the yin and yang energies are in balance, and dog meat is considered to be a yang food that can help to replenish the yang energy in the body.

Dog meat is said to be particularly beneficial for those who are recovering from an illness, as it can help to speed up the recovery process. It is also said to be helpful for those who are suffering from joint pain or arthritis, as the warmth of the meat can help to relieve the pain.

There are a few different ways to prepare dog meat, but the most popular way is to stew it with vegetables. This dish is usually served with rice or noodles, and is often accompanied by a dipping sauce made with vinegar, ginger and garlic.

If you are interested in trying dog meat, you can usually find it being sold at markets in China during the winter months. It is also possible to buy it online, but be sure to purchase it from a reputable source to avoid any health risks.
