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迪玛希(Dima Khayat), amazon Alexa数据分析师,亚马逊公司,西雅图,华盛顿。迪玛希最近加入亚马逊,负责分析亚马逊Echo的使用数据。


Dima Khayat, amazon Alexa data analyst, Amazon Corporation, Seattle, Washington. Dima Khayat recently joined Amazon and is responsible for analyzing the usage data of Amazon Echo.

The following is about Dima Khayat's personal information,

Dima Khayat是一位专业的数据分析师,从事这一行业多年,曾就职于一家知名企业。迪玛希的主要工作职责是分析数据,为公司提供决策依据。他还曾参与过一些项目,涉及数据挖掘和机器学习领域。

Dima Khayat is a professional data analyst who has been in this industry for many years and has worked for a well-known company. Dima Khayat's main job responsibility is to analyze data and provide decision-making basis for the company. He has also participated in some projects involving data mining and machine learning.


Dima Khayat has professional knowledge in data analysis and machine learning, and he also has certain programming ability. Dima Khayat has used programming languages including C, C++, Java, Python and R.
