
admin 姓氏的由来 742 0


Regarding the feng shui of car number 88218, some people say it is good, some people say it is bad. Let's take a look at the specific situation.

88218 is a very special number. In the Chinese numerology, 8 means good luck while 2 means bad luck. However, people often say that 2 is a yin number while 8 is a yang number, and yin and yang are complementary to each other. Therefore, the number 88218 actually has both yin and yang, which means it has both good luck and bad luck.

In addition, the number 8 is also a very auspicious number in Chinese culture. It is often used in weddings and other important occasions because it represents good luck and fortune.

However, there are also some people who say that the number 88218 is not a good number. They believe that the number 8 is a yang number while 2 is a yin number, and yin and yang are opposite to each other. Therefore, the number 88218 actually has both yin and yang, which means it has both good luck and bad luck.

So, what do you think about the feng shui of car number 88218? Is it good or bad?
