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车牌号 116av 吉凶





车牌号 116av 吉凶

The good and bad luck of license plates can be judged by factors such as the route of the vehicle, the quality of the vehicle itself, and the owner's luck. However, no matter how lucky the license plate is, as long as the owner does not protect the vehicle well, it will bring bad luck. Therefore, luck is only a relative term.

The license plate number is written in Pinyin of Chinese, so as long as the letters in the license plate number are spelt correctly, it will be fine. Moreover, as long as the first letter of the license plate number is the correct Pinyin of Chinese, it will be fine. For example, the lucky license plate number is "B11666", not "B11777".

The analysis of the good and bad luck of license plate number can also be judged by the quality of the vehicle itself. Good vehicles usually bring good luck, while bad vehicles bring bad luck.

The owner's luck also has a great impact on the vehicle's good and bad luck. If the owner is unlucky, even if the vehicle itself is good, it will bring bad luck. Therefore, the owner should pay attention to protecting his own vehicle to avoid unnecessary losses.
